Because of Grace
Pastor's Message, December 2024
Galatians 4:4-5
4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son to be born of a woman, so that
he would be born under the law, 5 in order to redeem those under the law, so that we
would be adopted as sons.
Are you on the “naughty” or “nice” list?
What did the Elf on the Shelf just see or hear?
Where you a good boy or girl this year?
Is this all part of the fun of getting ready for Christmas, or are we sending ourselves on a guilt trip? Do our children understand that they probably won’t actually be getting a sack of coal, so they play along with the fun, or are we threatening them into at least one month of being nice to their brothers and sisters?
Guilt is one of Satan’s favorite tools. He doesn’t just use a stuffed Elf on a Shelf or a cartoon program of Santa Clause to create guilt. He gets us to use Jesus, too. “Jesus is watching you!”
“What would Jesus think if he heard you talk like that?”
Advent is a season of preparation and repentance, but not a season of guilt! Jesus isn’t coming to club you into submission or guilt you into being nice. He’s going to be born of woman (just like you!) and born under the law (just like you!) to redeem you! You are God’s dear child, adopted into his family. He makes you his own purely out of his grace!
Yes, we are aware that our Savior is always with us. What a joy to constantly know Jesus is there, covering every sin and receiving with joy every act of praise. What a joy to prepare for his coming to pay for every sin so that when he comes again at the end of time he can take you and me to heaven.
God’s blessings as you worship and praise your coming King, not because of guilt, but because of grace!
Pastor Galen Riediger
December 2024